* What is China Apparel & Textile? Is it free to use?
China Apparel & Textile provides a searchable directory of apparel and textile products made by companies and manufacturers in China. The directory contains 12 main categories and 27 sub-categories, offering you a wide range of choices to study the Chinese market and purchase apparel and textile products made in China. Being a special channel of Chinese apparel and textile industries, China Apparel & Textile also maintains a news sector, through which you can keep abreast of the current changes in both Chinese and internetional markets.

China Apparel & Textile is a totally open Web site and 100 percent free to use. You can always in our search bar locate your interested products that have handy links to inquiry. We ensure none of pop-ups or over clicks for you. 

* How do I search companies and manufacturers on China Apparel & Textile? 
You can search them out through two ways:

Within the Directory: 
Choose the main category your interested product falls into and, if any, the right sub-category. We have made a good effort to arrange and organize the categories so they will work for you.

Within the Search Bar:
The Search Bar you can always see on top of each of our Web pages. Input in the text field a word or phrase that can best stand for your desired product, click "Search", and you will see the results listed. 

If less or improper matches are found, you may need to consider trying the following tips to improve your search: 
Use general words or phrases instead of exact descriptive words.
- If the keyword or phrase you use is too concrete, you may receive a "No Match Found" page. You may now need to use a relatively general saying to the word or phrase. E.g.,"Silk Necktie" is general to "Fashionable Striped silk Necktie", and the former shows more results.

Add descriptive word(s).
- When a general word/phrase gets too many listings, you may feel it hard to get the most relevant ones. In this case, you may consider adding one or more descriptive words. E.g., if you want baseball cap, you "baseball cap" is a better phrase than the word "cap".

Use both the singular and plural forms.
- If you want few products missed you can try this way. E.g., the two rounds of search "Jacket" plus "jackets" bring you more choices than either of them. By the way, words are not case-sensitive in search, so "jacket" and "Jacket" are actually the same.

* I want to be included in China Apparel & Textile? What shall I do?
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